Which variables can be accessed in this local class method

Question | Jul 14, 2017 | nextptr 

Class C's method foo declares and instantiates a local class L:

// Assume JDK 8
class C {

 void foo(String p) {
  int i = 0;
  final double f = 3.0;

  // local class L
  class L {
    void bar() {
        what can be accessed here? 

  // change i and x
  i = p.length();  

  // create L's instance and call bar()
  L l = new L();

 } // end foo()

 private int x = 1;

} // end class C

Assume that above code is written for JDK 8 (Java-8). Select all the fields or variables that can be accessed inside method bar() of local class L: