A reference must be initialized before it can be used

Question | Dec 1, 2015 | nextptr 

A reference in C++ is an alias to a data instance. Anything that comes remotely close to a reference is a const pointer. However, there are substantial number of differences between references and pointers that it would be a mistake to think of a reference as merely a const pointer. Nonetheless, as a reference by nature is a const type it must refer to a data instance before it can be used.

These are some reference initialization use cases.

A simple initialization:

int x = 10;
int& refx  = x;

A conditional initialization:

int y1 = 10;
int y2 = 11;
int& refy  =  y1 > y2 ? y1 : y2;

A member reference must be initialized in initializer-list of constructor:

struct A {
    A(int& x):membRef(x) { // Initializer-list is must here
    int& membRef;  // it must be initialized in constructor

Finally, to understand more about reference initialization tell us which one of followings is a false statement: