What would be the output of calling these two closure functions?

Question | Dec 7, 2017 | hkumar 

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The create function returns a closure function that captures a global variable c and a local variable x in parent scope. The returned closure is an equation x^2+c. We modify global variables and call create twice to get 2 closures, eq1 and eq2. You have to tell what would be the output of calling these 2 closures:

var c, x; // global 

// returns closure 
function create(p) {
 var x = p;
 return () => { return x*x + c; }

// change c, x and create eq1
c = 100; x = 5;
var eq1 = create(x);

// change c, x and create eq2
c = 200; x = 10;
var eq2 = create(x);

// call both eq1 and eq2
console.log(eq1() + ", " + eq2());

What would be the output?